Wednesday, March 31, 2010

History Repeats Itself

Well, today I re-connected with an old friend and colleage, Ren, who I met as a result of my very first open source PHP project, GPL Hosting, back in 2004-2005. Ren was using the dynamic dns services which offered to power a "micro server" initiative he had going at the time. This project is also where jHosting started! I guess we can call it a new and improved GPL Hosting, that incorporates some of the "now" technologies such as cloud computing.

Ren and I worked on a project of our own a few years back, which was called "SuiteTalk". SuiteTalk was a PHP application that I began working on which would talk to A/C thermostats to allow places like hotel lobbies to control their thermostats using a web browser. They could pull up a floor plan view where they could see every room in the hotel, choose the thermostat they wanted to manage, and change the settings just as if they were right there in the room - pretty cool! We also had some nifty energy efficiency features, such as indicators to show when an air filter needed to be changed. We had a tough time getting investor buy in (and then we had a major economy crash), so the project was shelved, but it was a pretty cool application to build. It was the first time (and possibly the last?) PHP project I would create to send hex commands via tcp/ip to control relays! Well, Ren and I are now talking about a new project together - hopefully this is the big one! :)

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